How I Cope With Depression

Life's Lessons, Rants and Raves

Word of warning, this is bit of a long post but if you manage to read all of it then thanks in advance and kudos to you! As you may or may not know, I have depression (but I am coping just to let you know).

Depression is more than just simply feeling unhappy or sad for a few days.

Everyone goes through a few spells of feeling down, but when you’re depressed you feel persistently sad for weeks or months, rather than just a few days. For me, I noticed the symptoms years ago whilst at my first year of university but thought nothing of it. Some people still think that depression is trivial and not a genuine health condition. They’re wrong. Depression is a real illness with real symptoms, and it’s not a sign of weakness or something you can “snap out of” by “pulling yourself together”.

I think I know the reason why I am depressed but it’s knowing how to deal with it that’s the tricky bit. So here’s what I do to help ease me back:

  1. Blogging: I find blogging about my problems very therapeutic as there’s something compelling to talk to strangers or people you aren’t acquainted with. They can be the most helpful people to bring your spirit up and to tell you that things are okay. Generally the most supportive people are strangers! It’s quite reassuring that there are some very good people out there in this world of chaos.
  2. Writing: I would put writing different to blogging solely to the fact that through writing I can create poems, stories, and my favourite, Haikus. This gives me the opportunity to channel my inner thoughts and express it in a form of literature and art. And the end result gives me a sense of satisfaction knowing that at least someone out there can relate to my work or appreciate it.
  3. Creating a new hobby: Again, this can fall under Blogging or Writing, but for me, it’s learning a new language like Russian! Essentially, by creating a new hobby, you take your mind of things such as any bad thoughts. Just by keeping busy can work wonders on getting rid of anything that is bringing you down. And the more you work at your new hobby then the more you are distracted from your illness.
  4. Music: I have noticed more that I am listening to more music. I just enjoy listening to music and I have always been a lover of lyrics, so to listen to some heartfelt lyrics inspires me to write and blog. I also enjoy being lost in music and use this as a mini getaway from life.
  5. Reading: I have started to read a bit more than I have done my entire lifetime. At the moment I am reading self help books and spiritual books (don’t worry, my sanity is still intact) but I find reading books like these are beneficial to the way you think. I, for one, am slowly but surely beginning to change the way I think to a more positive attitude, which in turn has a positive outcome on my life.
  6. Friends: This is quite important. It’s not a weakness to admit you have depression to your friends. If they are your “true” friends then they will understand you. And if they don’t treat you any differently then that’s even better! Recently, I have been going out a lot with my friends. It gives me a chance to get out of the house but also it gives me that feeling again from before I had depression. Almost back to my normal self as you will.
  7. Professional help: Don’t be embarrassed by going to see the doctors about a mental illness. Like I said before, mental illnesses are a real thing with real symptoms. And by going to the doctors, they know what you need and are there to help. I went to the doctors and diverged away from saying I have depression because I felt embarrassed. I used to think depression is not really something to worry about and thought nothing of it but it was the root cause of many problems I had.
  8. Set yourself some goals: Set yourself some goals, something to work towards. And when you reach your goal, oh boy! what a feeling that is! A sense of satisfaction from hard work and motivation and perseverance. It gives you a mental boost of achieving something. My goals are rather long but you can read about them here.
  9. Having patience and perseverance: I know I can’t get rid of my depression tomorrow. I know it will be here for much longer sadly. But what I do have is the patience and perseverance to see this through. I will not let this get the better of me. I still have the world at my fingertips and must not take the easy way out… (it’s selfish to do that).

I have may have missed a few points out but these are all that I can think of at the moment but to summarise, if you keep busy and distracted you can cope with the symptoms but it’s by having the will and patience that you will truly see it out.

I never knew that there were a fair few celebrities and famous people with depression, but I stumbled across Stephen Fry and his advice

“If you know someone who’s depressed, please resolve to never ask them why. Depression isn’t a straightforward response to a bad situation; depression just is, like the weather. Try to understand the blackness, lethargy, hopelessness and loneliness they’re going through. Be there for them when they come through the other side.
It’s hard to be a friend to someone who’s depressed, but it’s one of the kindest, noblest, and best things you’ll ever do.” – Stephen Fry

Hope my post can inspire you guys and raise a certain level of awareness. Thanks for reading.

ta ta for now

5 thoughts on “How I Cope With Depression

  1. Well said. Your battle with depression can become an experience that will generate a true understanding of other people who are stuck in darkness. You are compassionate and well spoken. You will be a gift in many people’s lives. It is unfortunate that we must live through the darkness in order to relate to other people who suffer in this way. But we have an understanding and a capacity for compassion that other people do not. I work with dementia patients. I have a better understanding of their fear and anxiety about their disease than the other workers due. I do not look down on them. I see them as an equal to me. I understand that your brain can malfunction and you cannot control what it does. It is scary to be at the mercy of mental illness.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Likewise, Well said comment. Thanks for your kind words and understanding. It’s very admirable that you can understand how people feel with their illnesses and help them. After reading this comment, I feel I could do the same and will aspire too! Many thanks


  2. When I was young I too had a depression, but I didn’t really know it. I felt that I had lost a reason to live and felt that my future was insecure. I finally found faith in Jesus and it helped me slowly. I have gone through many tough things since then, but never again felt the meaning less and lonely feeling from that time. I wish I had shared what I went through as a young person like you do, maybe I wrote some real letters as the Internet was not invented. It’s so good that you write about it and I am sure that you will recover

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